Child / Teen Counseling

Support Where You Need It Most: All Sessions Offered via Telehealth

Counseling that combines your faith, spiritual values and therapy to
bring comfort, healing, and balance to your life.


child therapy, teen therapy, teen depression, teen anxiety, teen counseling, child counseling

Are you concerned about your child’s mental health?

Have you noticed a change in their behavior, and/or attitude?

Do they appear more worried/fearful, shy, sad, or irritable lately?

Are they having behavioral issues (arguing, non-compliance, episodes of crying, attention seeking, poor hygiene) at school, or home?

Have there been life changes recently? Moving, separation, divorce, death in the family, health issues, new blended family?

Are they struggling with managing their emotions?

Why seek therapy for your Child/Teen?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), close to 8 million  children in the United States have a treatable mental health disorder. That’s nearly one in seven children struggling with mental health symptoms.

In 2021, more than 4 in 10 (42%) students (Middle/High School) felt persistently sad or hopeless and nearly one-third (29%) experienced poor mental health. In addition, more than 1 in 5 (22%) students seriously considered attempting suicide and 1 in 10 (10%) attempted suicide. The numbers have consistently increased over the last 10 years, with significant increase since the pandemic. This research bring into focus the level of distress many are experiencing, and the importance of getting them mental health treatment.

Following the height of the pandemic, many teenagers have been wrestling with lingering mental health struggles. These can often include anxiety, loneliness, depression, irritability and social anxiety. Additionally, many are experiencing unprocessed grief around missed experiences, lockdown isolation, and lack of time with their friends and classmates. While, sought connection through social media (which was helpful), following the return to “real life” engagement, some have struggled with making friends, being successful in the classroom and participating in outside activities. Some have even engaged in unhealthy coping such as vaping, substance use, cutting and risky sexual behaviors.

HDCFC is here to Help!

Even though children are resilient and can adapt to challenging situations, early intervention is extremely important. Studies show that the earlier a child receives mental health care, the better their future prognosis will be!  We at HDCFC believe in treating the whole person: body, mind and spirit. Our holistic practice utilizes a combination of emotional processing, exploring and assisting with creating a healthy lifestyle, along with tools and skill-building to support healthy development. Additionally, teens will gain help in identifying and participating in healthy relationships. We also seek to assist in improving behaviors and relationships at home by supporting parents and caregivers with establishing healthy communication, expectations and routines. Many of our teens choose to integrate faith into their sessions, however this is not a requirement for treatment. We respect each individual family’s values and seek to offer support based on their unique needs.

Are you ready to reach out for support? Then don’t wait! You can receive a free 10 minute consultation for yourself or for your child/teen (ages 12-18) by clicking the link below.