Pre-Marriage Counseling — HD Christian Family Counseling

Couples / Marriage Counseling

Support Where You Need It Most: All Sessions Offered via Telehealth

                     Preparing for and building a strong and passionate marriage is one of the most important things you’ll ever do for your relationship.

Considering marriage? Well, now is a great time to seek counseling to begin laying the groundwork for a strong future together. Saying “I do” is not the end of the process, but only the beginning of a new road for your relationship. Now starts the learning process of how you will combine your personal lives, make financial decisions, plan your family, establish expectations and healthy relationship boundaries. So often, early in relationships, we are so focused on “love” that we fail to identify differences and possible problem areas. Recognizing these things don’t hurt your relationship, but rather puts you in better position to plan ahead, problem solve and work together to ensure that when the time comes, you are on the same page. Struggles happen, we cannot avoid them, but when they do, we can be standing on a strong, firm foundation that sustains us and keeps us from crumbling.

Here at HDCFC we utilize the SYMBIS assessment as a means of supporting you on this journey of healthy relationship. SYMBIS is a proven method of getting your marriage off on a strong footing before you walk down the isle.  After taking the assessment you will meet with me to go over your results and assist you with useful tools and advice to make sure you and your future spouse have the best start possible.  

Already Married?  You can and should take the assessment too!  While the SYMBIS Assessment is primarily designed for engaged and newlywed couples, many married couples at various stages find the results to be extremely helpful. It identifies areas of strength, as well as, individual habits/styles that have contributed to issues in your marriage. It provides a leg up in discovering a healthy place to start working on your marriage. Thousands of married couples have taken the SYMBIS assessment to help them gain more insight into their marriage, as well as, a way to enhance couples counseling. 

Contact us today to discuss, or check out the SYMBIS website and select Nyshia Johnson, LCSW as your facilitator.  We look forward to helping you have the most successful marriage you can!

So... what will the assessment cover?  

  1. Your Money Methods:  Kick financial friction to the curb and ensure you realize your shared dreams together.

  2. Your Fight Types:  Discover your “hot topics” and the secret of leveraging conflict for a stronger relationship.

  3. Your Love Life:  Cultivate deeper intimacy and enduring passion for a lifetime of pleasure and fulfillment.

  4. Your Personalities:  Unpack your unique personality dynamics not only as individuals but more importantly as a couple.

  5. Your Talk Styles:  Crack the code for deep and meaningful conversations to enjoy heartfelt and lasting connections.

  6. Your Deepest Longing:  Create your ultimate soul-to-soul connection and discover how to infuse your relationship with meaning.